Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Master's journey...

It doesn't feel real yet, but I have finished the assignments for my Master's of Educational Leadersip. It all began back in January 2009 with my first trip to Wellington for the contact time for the first two papers. I met some amazing people and many of them I have travelled the journey with. So I guess it has been a 28month journey. I look back in awe that I managed to complete 6 papers while I was working full-time...... It sure is great to have the opportunity to take my time this year. My latest two assignments were amazing. I created a movie telling a story of leadership over three generations of females. It was very emotional to create and was a wonderful journey. The finished product is a real treasure and I feel so privileged to have made this journey. My final assignment was my overall vision for education. It was a synthesis of the previous 7 papers outlined and linking my key concepts for leadership. I did this in the form of a cloak of leadership - He Korowai Rangitiratanga, integrating hauora, with my main concepts - Passion, Vision, Sharing, Relationship, Authenticity, and Spiritual Hope. Alongside this I touched on the key competencies, creation, collaboration, communication, empowering, showing resilience and storytelling. This essay took me almost all semester to get to a point where I was happy to let it go!!! I am very happy with the model I created to show the integration of my concepts, and love the tagxedo of my assignment. Now I await the results...

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