Friday, August 5, 2011

I love Teaching Conference - day one

ILT Conference 18 July 2011

First keynote Francoys Gagne – Building gifts and talents
Transformation of High potential into high achievement!
The concepts of Giftedness – the possession of outstanding aptitudes (natural/untrained) abilities – top 10%.  See layout for 6 domains – 4 mental and 2 physical – by which you control aptitudes.  Trademark is ease and speed of learning.  Behaviour – cognitive, creative, social, perceptual, muscular, motor control.  Giftedness can appear in any domain. 
The concept of talent: outstanding mastery of systematically developed competencies – skills and knowledge, in at least one field.   Age/training related!  Goals – aptitude, motivation.  Self awareness a fundamental process.  Motivation as goal identification.  Volition as goal attainment. We have to group talented kids and do it full time- learn from each other!  Talent emerges from a complex interplay!

Nature versus nurture - 60%nature – natural personality 40%nurture – birth order, childhood experiences, culture, belief system.  Respecting each other’s differences!  4 dominant personalities!
Sociable, outgoing, expressive, vivacious – vital to have approval!!  If giving feedback to a playful – commend, recommend, commend!
Factual, well mannered, deliberate, behaved, -
Balanced, Calming, Level headed, approachable – work constantly
Competitive, adventurous, persuasive, independent –
Listen to the questions! 
Peacefuls ask why? – Why do I need to do it?
Playful – inspirational leadership – verbally honouring
Powerful  - Visionary leader – see big picture –
Precise - Strategic leader – sets a goal – move back from where we’ve set
Peaceful - Diplomatic, collaborative
What we like to talk about
Playful – relationships
Peaceful – security and guarantees
Precise – facts and logic
Powerful - Efficiency and organisation
Playful want to be the star, Peaceful audience,
Look at the glass – playful – always half full! 
Treat others as they want to be treated!
What we demand – what we need to give!
Playful – attention, affection, approval
Powerful – credit, loyalty, appreciation
Precise – sensitivity, space, silence
Peaceful – respect, value, harmony
As a parent or teacher
Playful – fun
Peaceful – laid back
Powerful – active
Precise – organised

Workshop 1 James Nottingham Developing Inquiry led learning and P4C

The aim of a thinking skills programme such as P4C is not to turn children into philosophers but to help them become more thoughtful, more reflective, more consider and more reason-able individuals!  Picture books to get children to think – strengths – schools are packed full of books.   The Pig of Happiness!
Typical P4C Format:
·         Sit in a circle
·         Share a book or a story
·         Ask ( philosophical) questions
·         Choose the best question
·         Identify the key concept
·         Listen to other perspectives
·        Apply creative and critical thinking
·        Consider progress
Revisit the book and discuss main ideas – record these ideas  - this is a skill you need to teach – eg initially you may ask ‘what did you like about this book?’ and discuss questions.  e.g. get three questions for juniors or beginners.  For older children circulate around group and discuss questions.  Suggest alternatives and move on – give support and suggestions!  Approx 30 students – groups of 4ish.  Challenge learners to question and extend and challenge. 
Thinking categories – routine and reflective - 
Routine – we can repeat it, we know it, quick
Reflective – deeper, 
Look at the questions and take a vote on the question we will answer!  You can vote as many times as you like!  
If you put your hand up in the air I will think of you as an armpit sniffer!  If you have an idea – put your thumb on your knee – you will have to listen and think!  Give some time – think and chose a starter – which group asked that question – they start if no-one volunteers. 
Give 3 or 4 children the chance to speak without responding.  After that hone in on the key concept – eg what do we mean by ‘happy’. 
More chance for dialogue with more finite concept!  P4C – look at books, videos, discussions,
Powerful life skills!
The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
·         The unexamined life is worth is not worth living.
·         Wisdom begins with wonder
·         It is not living that matters, but ling rightly.
·         True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us. 
Socrates quotes.
Do your planning at school on a Friday afternoon with the children! Get the children to ask the questions!  

Workshop 2 – Alison Mooney
It’s impossible to be who you’re not, so why not be who you are.
Awesome icebreaker – write down favourite animal and two words to describe why you like it,
2nd favourite – two characteristics
3rs favourites – two characteristics
Share with a neighbour – First is how you see yourself, 2nd is how others see you, 3rd is how you are!
Playful – party organiser, relationship building
Peaceful – offering solutions
Powerful - closing
Precise – structure, ascertaining needs
Learning how to respect each other’s differences.    Thinking about how we might irritate others!
What do the behaviours look like?
Active, destructive behaviour
Passive, destructive
Active constructive
Passive constructive
Plot a table of my team/family
“If you can reach me, you can teach me!”
We need to be aware of the needs of all! 
Relationship intelligence – 5 love languages
Phew what an amazing day FULL of learning, connecting, thinking, challenging, laughter, fun times.  
Purchased Allie Moody's book - Pressing the right buttons! 

AMAZING day followed by an amazing night!  We went for dinner at Ascot then headed to the bar where we chatted, geeked, collaborated and talked way into the night!

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