Monday, February 2, 2015

TTT hui - 2015 Kia eke taumata - Reach for the stars - morning session day 1

Kia eke taumata - Reach for the stars

Having a clear vision and knowing what it is all about
Create an environment where people can do their work well - good conditions for the work to be done.
People have the freedom to do the job well and stretch into the future.
Not being distracted by unnecessary work is important.  
Having a passion for our work and know where we are on the journey is so important.  
Being values driven, and knowing our principles, is where we start.
Clear vision and principles and a well resolved strategic plan.
Strategic goal 1 - leadership
Strategic goal 2 - sustaining learning
Strategic goal 3 - evidence based
Strategic goal 4 - relationship building

Reflecting on the journey of 2014.  Developing TTT as a professional provider. 

Four readings - to be read and shared.  

Sharing evidence-based stories continues to be a focus.  I am really looking forward to continuing a learning pathway that supports a rich evidence-base to support the journeys for learners, educators, schools, and clusters.

2015 and beyond, we have a commitment to deliver high quality PLD, continuing to keep a focus on our learning and demonstrating the impact of our work on teaching and learning. We are also continuing to focus on sharing our stories. 

A real positive start to the hui was the sharing of feedback.  We are aware of the FAST tools and the FeeST tools and it is so important for us to be able to acknowledge and celebrate successes. 

Session two - Dr Jan Robertson
Leading Change - a great start with an analogy of learnings from a beehive. Keeping the learner firmly at the front of our work as we think of learners back to school today.  

Time to reflect on the need for a deliberate focus on student learning and well-being.  The principal is essential but not alone in the journey.  The role of the principal is paramount, the power piece in the process.  Our role as facilitator is one of developing and supporting those around us to do the work.  

Mihi mihi, taking the time, building the relationship is leadership. As we build the relational trust, we are able to sustain the journey!

Leadership as risk-taking, building capability and capacity of others, ability to weave people together with humility, for the greater good of the whole team, leadership as influence and direction.  To engage and inspire others to achieve desired outcomes is at the heart of our role. 

Te Aho Tapu – Focus on Learners
Te aho tapu, the first and main thread of the korowai, represents a strong focus on learners and for the purposes of Tū Rangatira is titled ‘Ngā Mokopuna’, representing Māori learner success.

Whenu – Seven Key Roles of Leadership
The whenu of the korowai descends from te aho tapuEach of the whenu depicts a key role of the leader:
1. He Kaitiakiguardian
2. He Kaiwhakaritemanager
3. He Kanohi Mataravisionary
4. He Kaiakoteacher and learner
5. He Kaimahiworker
6. He Kaikōtuituinetworker
7. He Kaiaratakiadvocate

Ngā Aho – Seven Key Areas of Focus

The aho of the korowai weaves through the whenu, binding the korowai together as a wearable garment. Each of the aho depicts a key focus area for leadership:
1. Mana Mokopunaplacing the learner at the heart
2. Mana Wairuaspiritual and holistic well-being
3. Mana Tangatarecognising that relationships are critical to effective practice
4. Mana Reothe preservation of te reo Māori
5. Mana Tikanga Māoricustoms and protocols
6. Mana Mātauranga MāoriMāori discourses and knowledge
7. Mana Ā-Kurathe uniqueness of each kura

Using the language of leadership to build a shared vision, to shape what this journey might look like for us all.  
  • Build the vision for what might be
  • Engage the values and the heart
  • Build enthusiasm for innovation
  • Share the urgency of change
  • Believe in the principal and the school
  • Talk about the importance of leadership
  • Paint a picture of the journey

Shaping a growing concern for the well being of all.  Working for the good of all, across schools, clusters and NZ.  We must work to build a vision of what might be.  

Contract and re-contract all of the time, negotiating a way of working.  Re-working, re-shaping, setting up a way of being in the journey.  Dialogue around who were are, who we are about, who we are here for, negotiating a shared vision and a shared journey. 

Leading by listening, praise, negotiating what we are doing, how we are doing it, talking about the why we are doing what we are doing. Building agency, support to meet the specific needs of our schools and educators, personalising the journey. 

Our belief in our leaders will likely impact the greatest effect in their belief in themselves, to effect change for all learners!

Leading change is a process, it takes time, but there is an urgency to make a difference right now.  

Initiation phase - build relationship, gather data and evidence, 
Implementation phase - PLD implemented, journeying, monitor the journey
Institutionalisation - when the PLD is just a part of what we do here!

Our role is to highlight the journey, the change, celebrate the change and the journey.  

Paradigm shift is required with our PLD contracts, and we need to be aware of the magnitude of the journey. 

Adult learning theory - Kolb
Insert photo....

We are privileged to be in the role of facilitator, coach and mentor!

Fullan's ideas on leadership must shape our way of being.  We need a balance for our educators, between innovation and pace-setting. We need to be aware of the implementation dip, we need to see our journey in the light of the journey for education and change in New Zealand.   

Redefining resistance is a part of our journey.  Dig into the doubt, the resistance.  We alongside the principals are the culture builders. What areas need support?

"The paradox is that transformation would not be possible without accompanying messiness." Fullan

"What might be" as a guiding star for our journey! 

"Why should anyone be led by me?" - a desire for authenticity, those who know their values, their strentgths and weaknesses, significance, contributions, excitement and passion for the PLD and the learners, service and community, where they see themselves in the community.

"To be yourself more, with skill..." 

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