Sunday, April 19, 2015

TedXQueenstown - Dane Barclay

Why would you even want to invite discomfort into your life?

We are not hardwired...

What makes me uncomfortable?  What make me feel sick?  How do my behaviours change.

Become more comfortable with discomfort.....

Life is THE place to feel stress and anxiety...

Our mind is where to control our negative thoughts and feelings... reality of life...

Experiencing the anxiety but maintaining our commitment to action.

Move from feeling good to perform - to performing no matter how we feel!!!  Playing without respect to how you are feeling..

Feeling comfortable with our discomfort - gives us the freedom we need...

Empathy and compassion... controlling behaviour under stress...
Frontal Lobe - Decision making/motor control ..

As the brain is processing energy and emotion... transferring blood flow... Brain trying to protect from stress and anxiety... brings on vomit and diarrhoea..

We need to learn to experience discomfort and get on with the task...

Uncomfortable thoughts do not have to control our behaviour...

  1. Where is your attention at?
  2. Normalise the experience
  3. Commit to action
Go out and get as uncomfortable as possible... it will give you the freedom to perform how you want to feel....

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